Please note that from 15 January 2025, our language training prices will be adjusted.

    Progressive German courses
    16 online sessions per month

    295€ incl. VAT
    During our online German courses our native language tutor will encourage you to speak as much German as you can, right from the beginning :-). We will deal with German business conversation as well as general German communication. This combination of formal and informal interaction during your German language training will boost your progress exponentially.

    Learn German whenever and wherever you want!
    2 classes of 1h30 per week
    Between 9h00 and 10h30 or between 18h00 and 19h30
    3 to 6 participants
    Tailored German language courses for professionals, companies and studious individuals
    Turn your online course into a blended learning experience
    Language Teams offers 1 month of German e-learning for free: Wunderbla!

    What our students say